About Terry O'Connell
Terry O'Connell
Practitioner and Teacher
If you told me when I was graduating from business school in the late ‘80s that I would move to California and become a medical intuitive and psychic healer, I would have bet everything you were wrong. I am an unlikely healer.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in French from Georgetown University. I studied Arabic in Cairo. I have a Master’s degree in Foreign Service, specializing in International Business Diplomacy. I worked for the Department of Commerce on their steel trade program. My first business trip was to Stockholm when I was 20 years old.
I have a Masters in Business Administration from The Wharton School. I did corporate finance for an oil company, where I visited an underground coal mine and toured an oil tanker. Then I started my own company and consulted for Fortune 50 companies and small businesses.
Then I got sick.
No one knew what was wrong. Not the MDs, not the homeopaths, not the ayurvedic doctor, not the energy healers. Acupuncture stabilized me, but nothing brought me back. And they all came to the same conclusion in the end – I must want to be sick. It was all in my mind.
Then Judy, my inquisitive friend, had her nails done at a salon in Beverly Hills. She overheard a conversation about a reading someone got from a healer in Idaho. She didn’t know what this woman did. She didn’t even get her name right. But she got her phone number right and that was enough.
It took 3 months to get an appointment. It took Vianna Stibal 5 minutes to tell me what I was waiting 7 years to find out. I was living in toxic mold. My illness was environmental. I needed to move. Then she healed me over the phone.
That was 2002.
Since then I have sponsored Vianna’s workshops in Los Angeles, taken and then assisted at all of them. Repeatedly. I have 4 Intuitive Anatomy classes under my belt, several Advanced Teacher’s classes, more Basic Teacher’s classes, 2 Rainbow Teacher’s classes and many more Basic and Advanced workshops.
I have taught Basic DNA, Advanced, DNA and Intuitive Anatomy. I’ve created practice groups in Los Angeles in person and worldwide by phone.
I have created classes for Thetahealing® Practitioners that teach them how to set up and grow a successful healing practice. I teach Theta practitioners how to get good at the work. I mentor other practitioners and teachers.
I created the Theta Times Newsletter to keep practitioners up to date about Thetahealing®.
I have a thriving Thetahealing® practice. My students and clients come from more than 30 countries. I live in Idaho and California now.
I am an unlikely healer. And there’s nothing I’d rather do. I love my work.
So what can I do for you?
Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing®
ThetaHealing® Masters